FileMaker™ Developer

Tailored to Your Business
Automated Workflows and Artificial Intelligence
Human-Centered Approach

On Sale $75 per hour

21st Century Technology

The Cloud
Managed Services

On Sale $75 per hour

Digital Strategy Consulting

Teamwork and Collaboration
Planning and Implementation
Build Upon Success

On Sale $75 per hour

Your FileMaker™ Developer

Benefits for you include:
Essential Apps Integrated with your Claris FileMaker™ Solutions, Over 30 years of FileMaker™Experience, AI Solutions, Modern-Day Website Design, Essential Apps Connected through Claris Connect™, Cloud Technology, Managed FileMaker Servers, Priced for Small Business, No Job Too Small, Peace Of Mind
Your success is our focus.

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Tailored To Your Business

End-to-end design specific to your business creates meaningful, insightful and measurable business outcomes. Our managed services will grow your business efficiently, effectively and with scale, now and into the future.
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Automated Workflows and AI

So you can focus on strategic results, we focus on creating fine-tuned, integrated systems that will reduce operational costs through automation of repetitive business processes. The end result is more opportunity for growth.
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Human-Centered Approach

For us, technology is here to serve people. We are the benefactors of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Technology, Robotics, and Information Technology. Our desire is to make your life and the life of others more fulfilling through this new landscape.

Digital Strategy Consulting


About Us

Jordan Kahn

An Information Systems Developer with over 30 years' FileMaker™ experience, you can be assured that your projects will be in capable hands. Whether you need a minor program modification, or a brand-new system designed and installed, my goal is to deliver the finest solutions for my clients. With today's technology, yesterday's dreams are today's realities.

AWS Certified Cloud Practicioner

Claris FileMaker Pro™ Developer - 32 years experience

App Developer for Claris FileMaker Pro™ Expert

App Developer for Claris Connect™ Expert

The Associates

With a large network of highly skilled, highly experienced personnel, your vision is set to succeed. From one person to multiple teams of people, the needs and requirements of your project will be delivered.

Our Philosophy - Simplicity, Elegance, Mindfulness

My mobile number: 858.245.4312. Email:

Jordan Kahn & Associates is an independent entity and this web site has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise affiliated with Claris International inc. Claris and FileMaker are trademakrs of Claris International Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.



The secret of success in life is for an individual to be ready for their opportunity when it comes - Benjamin Disraeli

My mobile number: 858.245.4312. Email:

Jordan did an excellent job with setting up a database to keep track of insurance claims. His attention to detail made for a smooth process. I would highly recommend him!

Kevin Kenmore, New York

In 2011, Jordan built my first system. It has run smoothly with very little change. So, last year, when I started a new business, I had Jordan set up my new system. It makes my life so much easier!

Hal New Jersey

When my old business software became so out of date that it would no longer consistently perform, Jordan replaced it with a new database. At first, I was skeptical that it would be as easy to use. But it turned out to be much easier, and I can do so much more with it!

Bill New Jersey

High-Tech with heart.

Tricia Denver, Colorado

Over the last 15 + years, as our business keeps evolving, Jordan makes sure our system keeps evolving, too.

Teresa San Diego, California

Knowing Jordan for 20+ years, we have worked on multiple projects together. His deep knowledge of FileMaker is impressive, and his thorough programmer's mind is a pleasure to work with. He's both personable and professional, with an eye for detail that is just right. A balance of insightful and caring human being along with an impeccable work ethic and pro-level skills - a pleasure to have on any team.

Bruce Denver, Colorado